Karriereseite und Stellenangebote – Save the Children Deutschland e.V.

Working for children's rights 

All job offers

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What we offer

Our employees are passionate about their work and use their expertise to ensure that children worldwide can grow up healthy and safe, are protected, and receive an education. Every child has these rights, with no ifs, ands, or buts. We offer a respectful working environment, with room for development and active participation, under fair conditions.

Flexible and mobile working

For most job profiles, it is possible to work remotely for up to 60% of your weekly hours and to organize them very flexibly.

31 vacation days 

Our employees are entitled to 30 vacation days plus an additional special leave day per calendar year.

Public transportation ticket or prepaid card

Employees have the choice of either a public transportation ticket (currently the Deutschlandticket) or an equivalent monthly top-up on a prepaid card (Edenred).
Students and Face-to-Face Fundraisers are unfortunately exempt.


Flexible working hours and up to six weeks of full pay during child sick leave. Our office has a family room and even workstations where you can bring your dog.

Workshops and training

We offer internal and external training to promote both professional and personal development.

Occupational pension provision 

Upon request, we will match up to 20% of an employee's contributions to the company pension plan. 

Occupational health management 

Special offers and regular (online) guided yoga sessions. Our office is also equipped with height-adjustable workstations and a rest/prayer room. 

Positive experience
Friendly environment and thorough presentation during the interview
Applicant feedback from February 7, 2025
Es war ein sehr angenehmes Gespräch
Ich habe mich gut abgeholt gefühlt. Die Atmosphäre war entspannt und angenehm. Die Fragen waren auch sehr gut formuliert. 10/10 Punkten.
Applicant feedback from January 24, 2025
Tolles Bewerbungsgespräch
Von Bewerbung, Einladung zum Gespräch, das Gespräch selber und das Feedback danach, war das komplette Bewerbungserlebnis sehr transparent und angenehm. Das Bewerbungsgespräch war das angenehmste und wertschätzendste, was ich bisher hatte.
Applicant feedback from January 23, 2025
A rare and resounding positive experience
I have found the entire application experience to be humane, considerate and encouraging, which in today's business culture, is unfortunately a rare instance. The format of a single interview with all three relevant stakeholders is a refreshing change, since usually there is a process of multiple stages that feels much like a neverending ladder. In my opinion, a single interview is not only more considerate for the candidate, but also a more efficient use of the company's resources. All three participants in the interview were considerate in their demeanor, clear with their questions/explanations, and ultimately, highly professional. Before arriving at the interview, I hoped to get the job since I found the mission of Save The Children inspiring. Yet after leaving the interview, I was just as inspired by the team members I've met. Overall, it was a resounding positive experience for me, for which I am immensely grateful.
Applicant feedback from January 22, 2025
Positiver Eindruck des Gesprächs
Angenehme Atmosphäre Sehr gut strukturiert Raum für Fragen
Applicant feedback from January 17, 2025
Angenehme , Kreativ, Professionell und herausfordernd
Feedback zum Vorstellungsgespräch Guten Abend ich möchte mich noch einmal herzlich für das angenehme und professionelle Vorstellungsgespräch bedanken. Es hat mir sehr gefallen, dass die Atmosphäre gleichzeitig herausfordernd und respektvoll war, was mir besonders zusagt. Vor allem war es nicht wie bei manchen deutschen Unternehmen, die ständig und belehrend einer sogenannten „nicht deutschen“ Person vermitteln wollen, wie Dinge in Deutschland zu laufen haben. Stattdessen hatte ich das Gefühl, dass hier ein kollegiales und unterstützendes Team hinter mir steht, das bereit ist, mich bei Bedarf zu fördern und von dem ich viel lernen kann. Gleichzeitig wurde signalisiert, dass auch meine eigenen Ansätze und Ideen willkommen sind, was ich sehr schätze. Ein kleiner Punkt, den ich anmerken möchte, betrifft die Antworten auf einige organisatorische Fragen. Hier fehlte es teilweise an Klarheit, was ich jedoch nachvollziehen kann, da es sich um eine neue Stelle handelt und gewisse Details vermutlich noch in der Klärung sind. Dies ist kein Kritikpunkt, sondern eher eine Beobachtung, die mir aufgefallen ist. Ich habe insgesamt einen sehr positiven Eindruck gewonnen und freue mich darauf, hoffentlich bald Teil Ihres Teams werden zu können. Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Applicant feedback from January 15, 2025
Zufriedenheit nach 3 Monaten
Die Einarbeitung durch die Kollegen war sehr gut. Ich schätze die Arbeit im Team. Ich freue mich darauf, meine Fähigkeiten weiter auszubauen.
Employee feedback from January 2, 2025
Angenehme Erfahrung
Nachdem ich sehr freundlich und offen begrüßt worden bin und mich die sympatischen Ansprechpartner über die Tätigkeit im Kontext kompetent informiert hatten, erfolgte ein anschaulicher Rundgang durch die Räume der Organisation und den zukünftigen Arbeitsplatz und Arbeitsbereich. Das Interview war konstruktiv und ich fühlte mich wertgeschätzt Sehr angenehme Gesprächsatmosphäre und Räumlichkeiten.
Applicant feedback from December 13, 2024
Besser gehts nicht!
Ich hatte ein äußerst erfreuliches, intelligentes und herzliches Bewerbungsgespräch.
Applicant feedback from December 11, 2024
Bester Eindruck
Was lief gut: Ich habe einen hervorragenden Eindruck von allen Beteiligten und der Organisation gewonnen, welches den Wunsch in mir weiter verstärkt hat, für Save the Children und beteiligten Personen zu arbeiten. Die Atmosphäre war sehr gut und die Gespräch waren fachlich fundiert. Zudem wurde auf meinen Input und meine Fragen konzentriert und reflektiert eingegangen. Die Policy zur Wahrung zum Schutz von Kindeswohl, sowie die Haltung gegen Diskriminierung sind samt Implementierung im Bewerbungsprozess sehr konsequent, sehr nah an meinem eigenen Verständnis und haben mich wirklich inspiriert bzw. bestärkt. Was kann verbessert werden: es gibt nichts zu beanstanden und die Arbeit der Beteiligten war sehr gut. Da ich auch in andere Aufgaben im Berufs- und Privatleben konsequent verfolge, war die Timeline zwischen dem ersten Interview, dem zweiten Termin und der finalen Verhandlung ein wenig herausfordernd um auf fundierte Entscheidungen zu kommen. Ein Überblick ab dem 1. Interview für eine zeitliche Vorstellung der Abfolge würde dies abfedern. Ich kann mir aber auch gut vorstellen, dass für einen guten Bewerbungsprozess eine Timeline schwer verbindlich zu prognostizieren ist, weil die Entscheidungen im Prozess nicht vorhersehbar sind. Insofern gilt auch hier mein großer Respekt. Alles Gute für die Organsiation und die beteiligten Menschen!
Applicant feedback from November 18, 2024
Samples from 348 reviews

Information on the application process

Job offers and application

All job offers are published on our homepage. You can apply quickly and easily online.

You haven't found what you are looking for? Unfortunately, we do not accept unsolicited applications, but the job advertisements are updated regularly and you can subscribe to receive updates when new positions become available. We appreciate your interest and look forward to receiving your application.

Screening and preselection

We review all the applications received after the deadline has passed. This may take a little time, so please be patient.

Applicants whose experience and skills match the job profile particularly well will be contacted by phone or email to clarify basic questions and/or discuss the possibilities of getting to know each other.


Interviews are conducted virtually or at our Berlin office and usually take 60 minutes.

The interviews are focused on getting to know each other and discussing your professional background. We encourage you to ask any questions that are important to you. You will be informed in the interview invitation if we would like you to complete a task as well.


The results of the selection process are evaluated based on a range of criteria. The selection process involves managers from the relevant department and Human Resources, our Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Officer, and Save the Children Germany’s works council. We will inform you of our decision by telephone or email.


New colleagues start together in our Berlin office at the beginning of the month, and the first two days are reserved for you to get settled. 

Alongside your professional onboarding you will also attend various introductory events in the first few months to learn the basics of Save the Children’s work.

Looking for a part-time job with purpose?

Join the movement and become a Face-to-Face Fundraiser in Berlin! Whether you are a student, a retiree looking for a second income, or just in need of a part-time job, you can advocate for children's rights. Help us inspire people to support Save the Children's work in one-on-one conversations today.
Please note that very good German language skills are required for the job.

Questions and answers

Here you can find answers to frequently asked questions about the application process and opportunities to work at Save the Children.

How can I apply?

Click the "Apply now" button in the respective advertisement, fill in your information and upload your documents. You can attach the following files (maximum 10 MB): pdf, jpg, jpeg, fif, png, bmp, tif, tiff, doc, ppt, pps, docx, pptx, ppsx, odt, rtf, odp, txt

If you encounter difficulties when using our online application portal, please contact us by phone at 030 / 275 959 79 241 or by email via jobs@savethechildren.de. We are grateful for your feedback! 

Can I apply for multiple positions at the same time?

Applying for multiple positions is possible. Please apply separately for each job and submit a complete application for each advertised position, as different individuals within our organization might be supervising the various application processes.

Which documents should I submit?

Please upload all documents / information relevant to your application via our application portal:

  • CV
  • Relevant diplomas (training/studies/alternative qualifications)
  • Relevant supporting documents (references/certificates) 
  • A statement regarding your motivation for applying for the position

Do I need to write a cover letter / motivation letter for my application?

We would be delighted if we could find out in your application what is important to you and what motivates you for the job profile and our organisation. An extensive letter is not necessary, but a few sentences detailing your motivation would be appreciated.

How do I know that my application has been received?

After you have sent your application documents, you will receive an automatic confirmation of receipt by e-mail. Please also check your spam folder.
If you do not receive a confirmation of receipt, please contact us via phone or e-mail.

Can I still edit my application documents after I've sent them?

Please contact us at jobs@savethechildren.de if you would like to add or update any application documents.

Can I still submit my application after the application deadline?

We regularly update our job advertisements on our homepage and in most cases an application deadline is listed as a guide. As long as the vacancy is still published here, it is possible to apply. If you can no longer find the position there, it is unfortunately no longer possible to apply. 

Can I send an unsolicited application?

Please understand that we can only consider applications for advertised positions and cannot accept unsolicited applications. There are always new opportunities to get involved with us. Please subscribe to our job offers to stay up to date.

Which language skills are required for an application?

You can find out which language skills are required for a position in the respective job description. If you have any questions, please get in touch with one of our contacts at jobs@savethechildren.de.

Which languages are spoken in the organisation

We communicate in German and English, with German being the primary working language. To support multilingualism, we increasingly make use of technical aids, such as live translations for meetings and video calls.  

Can I complete an apprenticeship / dual study programme / trainee programme at Save the Children?

Unfortunately, we can only rarely offer apprenticeships or trainee opportunities. These are then advertised publicly and can be found under our job vacancies.

Can I do an internship at Save the Children?

Unfortunately, due to limited capacities, we can only rarely offer internships, which are then advertised on our homepage.

If the internship is a school internship (usually up to 3 weeks), please send us an e-mail with the subject ‘Internship’ and the following information to jobs@savethechildren.de:

  • Internship period and school year
  • In which subject area should the internship take place 

Please be patient while we check your internship request. 
Please do not send us any unsolicited application documents by e-mail. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us via phone or e-mail.

Can I apply for jobs abroad at Save the Children?

Save the Children Deutschland e. V. does not place staff abroad. Jobs for specialist staff to coordinate and support projects are advertised by  Save the Children International and can be found here.

Does it make a difference if I call and inquire about the status of the selection process?

No, this will not affect your application. All applications received via our online application portal will be considered and reviewed.
We will do our best to get back to you as soon as possible. We thank you for your patience if the selection process takes a little longer. 
If you have any urgent questions or if you haven´t received a confirmation of receipt after submitting your application (see ‘How do I know that my application has been received?’), please contact us.

Can I support the work of Save the Children through voluntary/unpaid work?

At present, we do not offer any voluntary roles. However, you can support the work of Save the Children in a myriad of other ways. Options can be found under the section Support or here:  Ways to help.

How secure are my application data?

Your data will only be used by us for application purposes and will be treated with absolute confidentiality. We ensure the secure transmission of data and compliance with data protection regulations. Your application documents are only accessible to authorised persons. You can find more information here:  Information on Data Processing.

About us

Here, you can learn more about us and the fundamentals of our work.

What we do

We are committed to ensuring that children all over the world can grow up and learn safely and healthily.

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

We are working to identify and eliminate potential discrimination within our own structures and processes.

Principles of our work

We do everything we can to protect people from violence. The commitment to our guidelines is the basis for our cooperation.

Learn more about our Teams

Advocacy & Policy

Political decisions massively affect the living conditions of children. The Advocacy & Policy team maintains contacts with relevant ministries, the federal government, and members of the Bundestag.
We bring our expertise into legislative and consultation processes and develop substantive demands that we represent in various forums - be it on the subject of humanitarian aid, child poverty or global health. In addition, we work in networks together with other organisations or think tanks from various sectors. 
It is important to us to make the voices of our local colleagues and the affected children themselves heard. This includes publicly effective actions and campaigns. Our political work focuses on the following topics: health and nutrition, humanitarian aid and crises, migration and displacement, education and child poverty.

Brand & Content Unit

The Brand & Content Unit aims to achieve a clear brand positioning and raise awareness of Save the Children in Germany - thus creating a basis for supporting our work.
In addition to its own brand campaigns, the unit works with other teams to ensure brand coherence and integrated communication, including through joint topic planning. As central content unit, the editors also produce the organisation's annual report and other publications and, in coordination with the respective teams, create text, image and video content for communication with donors and interested parties, companies, specialist audiences and other target groups.

Corporate Partnerships & Foundations

The Corporate Partnerships & Foundations team focuses on establishing and maintaining strategic partnerships with companies and foundations. This involves not only financial contributions, but also advice on specific topics, such as supply chains.
The team identifies potential partners and scrutinises them according to strict criteria to ensure that Save the Children's values and goals are aligned with those of the potential partners. By developing customised cooperation concepts, we establish sustainable and effective partnerships.

Domestic Programmes

Children's rights apply to all children worldwide. However, even in Germany, they are not realised equally for every child and children's rights are also violated in this country.
Our work in Germany focuses on the areas of child povertymigration and displacementeducation as well as protection from violence. Together with other civil society organisations, state actors and children themselves, we are committed to strengthening children's rights in Germany in the long term. In doing so, we focus primarily on children who are disadvantaged due to their social background or their history as refugees and who are particularly affected by violations of children's rights. We implement measures for and with children, train professionals and volunteers and advise and support educational centres, housing facilities for refugees and relevant authorities with the aim of sustainably improving the implementation of children's rights. Our four departments are made up of project staff and consultants, a team leader and project managers.

Finance & Donations

Our specialist teams in the Finance & Donations department are responsible for managing and monitoring the organisation's financial resources and donations. The department consists of the Donation Service, Project Finance, Data Management, Financial Accounting and Controlling teams. 

Our Donation Services team is the bridge between our supporters and the organisation. The team's core tasks include informing donors and interested parties, advising them on donation options and answering questions about our projects and the use of donations. 

The Project Finance team looks after the financial side of our domestic and international programmes and works closely with internal interfaces and colleagues in the Save the Children International country offices. The team advises on all financial issues relating to project implementation, ensures compliance with all guidelines, prepares and monitors project budgets and reports regularly to our public and private donors. 

Our Data Management team is responsible, among other things, for the design and implementation of data exchange processes for fundraising campaigns, donation management and the development and use of financial and contact data for the entire organisation, including the associated reports, dashboards and analyses.

The Financial Accounting team takes care of financial management, bookkeeping, the annual financial statements and compliance with applicable standards and legal regulations. This is done in close cooperation with Controlling, where the organisational budget is drawn up, income and expenditure are monitored and regular financial reports are provided.

Fundraising & Marketing

In our Fundraising & Marketing department, a total of 40-50 employees are committed to helping children in need. 
With a talent for communication, creativity and fundraising spirit, we want to get people in Germany excited about children's rights and the work of Save the Children and encourage them to get involved. We launch participatory campaigns and use various marketing and fundraising activities to maximize donations without earmarking. This enables us to help children unconditionally where the need is greatest. 
The team consists of four departments: Public Engagement, Acquisition & Performance Marketing, Donor Retention & Development and Partnerships & Philanthropy.

International Programmes

At the core of our work in the international programmes is the promotion and support of our international projects. Save the Children Deutschland e. V.  supports projects in regions of Africa, Asia, and MENA. The projects are implemented locally with local colleagues and partner organisations from Save the Children International country offices. Our teams are assigned per regional focus and consist of a team leaders, portfolio managers and assistants. They work closely with colleagues from the country offices to further develop the strategic direction of the regional portfolio with a focus on quality and impact. Among other things, they support project implementation, monitor the income and expenditure of project funds and liaise with the respective donors.

Our Partnerships team is responsible for developing new institutional partnerships and funding pools for our domestic and international programme work and for maintaining and expanding existing partnerships with institutional donors. 

Media Communication

The main task of the media team is to provide journalists with information about the work of Save the Children for children in need - this also includes drawing attention to child rights violations in crisis and war zones and amplifying the voice of children in the media.
The media team creates content and campaigns that are disseminated through various channels, and works closely with other areas such as advocacy, programmes and fundraising. At the same time, the team handles the organisation's crisis communication.The work of the media communication team significantly contributes to the visibility of Save the Children Germany in the public eye.

Organisational development, personnel & administration

Our administrative and management teams at Save the Children Germany play an important role in ensuring that our organisation can achieve strategic goals and promote a fair, inclusive and diverse working environment.

Our Board Office team supports our three Board members and the Senior Management Team in day-to-day operations. They are responsible for coordinating strategy development and the annual planning process to set organisational goals. Other areas of responsibility include supporting the voluntary committees (Supervisory Board and General Assembly), optimising our processes and managing internal communication. The team works hand in hand with other areas of the organisation.

In the field of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DEI) , our DEI consultant works closely with multipliers from all areas of the workforce and external experts to promote a diverse and inclusive environment, recognise and remove structural discrimination and barriers at all organisational levels.

In the area of Safeguardingwe work to ensure a safe environment - both for all employees and for all the people we work for and with. Policies, processes and reporting systems are being (further) developed to protect children and adults from discrimination, exploitation, harassment and sexual violence.

In the field of Children's Rights, we are committed to ensuring that all employees are aware of and can implement children's rights as well as approaches and tools for child rights-based work. We provide them with advice on how to structurally anchor children's rights in our work in Germany and worldwide and thus contribute to their realisation.

In the area of  Process Management and Administration, our Office Management Team is the first point of contact for our colleagues, guests, and interested parties, whether at the reception, on the phone or by email. In addition to handling mail, procurement and facility management, the team is responsible for travel bookings, supports events and ensures smooth operations in the office.

The Human Resources team is responsible for the recruitment of motivated talents and qualified specialists, personnel development in line with cultural and organisational development, creating the framework conditions and the administrative support and advice of our employees and managers, as well as payroll accounting. The HR team is also actively involved in shaping and developing our organisational culture. 

Our IT  team is crucial to our organisation as it ensures our operations run smoothly and supports our growth. The team consists of passionate professionals who implement and maintain technology solutions to achieve our goals efficiently. From technical support (networks, hardware, software) to cyber security, they ensure system integrity while contributing to strategy development and training initiatives. 

Internal Audit works across departments to ensure that the organisation adheres to given rules and operates efficiently. To this end, regular investigations and assessments are carried out to ensure that all activities and processes comply with legal regulations and standards.

Schulung bei Save the Children Deutschland

Mitarbeiter*innen von Save the Children Deutschland

Save the Children was founded by Eglantyne Jebb in England.

foundation year of Save the Children Germany e.V.

> 200
employees at the Berlin Office

member organisations under the umbrella of Save the Children International

countries we work in

employees worldwide


Project: Makerlabs

The aim of our Makerlab Project is to enable more children and young people in Germany to participate in digital education.


Project: Child Friendly Space

Learn more about the project at a temporary shelter in Frankfurt am Main. Initiated by us in 2022, the Child Friendly Space is now operated by the city.


Our HR team will be happy to answer any questions you may have.
You can reach us by phone or e-mail:

Email: jobs@savethechildren.de
Telephone: (+49) 030 27 59 59 79 - 241

Photos: © Mauro Bedoni, Karo Krämer, Séverine Lenglet, Paula Sauerhöfer, Jonas Wresch